Self Help & Wellbeing
The Source
What is The Source website?
The Source website has been created to provide information, advice and sources of support to young people in Suffolk – when they need it, on a range of issues that impact their lives.
The Source website is aimed at supporting young people in Suffolk aged 11-19 years old (up to 25 for young people with additional needs).
What can I use the Source website for?
- To find out where you and your friends can go to get support for things you are worried about.
- To find information and advice on topics important to you.
- To share your advice and views on the things you care about so that we can share them on The Source website, to help other young people.
Please use the following link to find out more:
The Live Well Hub
The Live Well Hub is a local community hub offering support for people wishing to live happy and healthy lives.
They have a growing range of services and classes include:
- Exercise for most abilities
- Managing anxiety, stress, and depression
- Support with loneliness and isolation
- Budgeting and money advice
- Managing diabetes
Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 10am to 4pm

Leiston Cancer Support Group
There is a new cancer support group being held at the Live Well Hub, offering support, friendship and understanding for anyone who has, or has been affected by cancer.
The support group will be on the first Friday of every month from 2pm-3pm at the Live-Well Hub, Waterloo Centre, Waterloo Avenue, Leiston, IP16 4HE.
For further details or any queries please contact:
Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre at Ipswich Hospital
01473 715745 or email
Have you or a relative had a stroke?
All individuals who have had a stroke are eligible for a 6-month post stroke review
Have you had yours?
The six-month review service is for all adults 18 and over, who are registered with a GP and who have had a diagnosis of stroke.
Most people will automatically be contacted by their local NHS commissioned provider for an appointment between 4-8 months after a stroke. The review allows time to discuss your medical, social and emotional needs and can provide you with helpful information and signposting or onward referral if further treatment or support is required.
If you are not sure if a review has been done or if there are any queries please contact Margaret Reeves, stroke nurse, by email or telephone.
Tel: 01449 774161
CONNECTPlus - The New Women's Health App
Download today for advice and guidance on:
– Breast pain assessment and care
– Cervical screening
– Contraception
– Menopause assessment and treatment
– Menstrual problems and assessment and treatment
– Pelvic organ prolapse
– Pre-conception care
– Sexually transmitted infections and HIV
To download the app visit